Thread Archive

Here’s a “mini” archive of some of the more informative subnotebook threads. Please bookmark/link this page and do not bookmark/directly link to any of the thread archived pages stored in this website, since that will just confuse people.

Well, I did as much archiving as I could on limited time, so this is all I have. This information is entirely legacy, as I doubt many people still have the old Fujitsu Lifebook P-series notebooks, but I’ll keep the information around for nostalgia’s sake. 🙂

The individual Google cache saves were done through the typical “save as” file mechanism so none of the links pointing to the forum/scripts will work. Moreover, individual Google cache saves of entire threads are usually incomplete (missing pages). In other words, Google-saved multi-page threads can only be navigated by returning to this webpage and finding the next page, if applicable.

Fujitsu Lifebook P-1000 and P-2000 series (Transmeta processors)
“Maybe A Restore FAQ?”
[Mirror] Description:
This is the most important old support thread related to the old Fujitsu P-1k/2k models (and one post about the Fujitsu B): How to restore the factory configuration or install Windows. It’s not actually a straightforward how-to, however, and the thread basically links to a bunch of other threads that talk about different models, situations, and methods. This doesn’t apply to any of the newer Fujitsu models like the P-15xx. (2005)You may freely click posted links in this mirror because I manually linked them, but the forum-related links won’t go anywhere (e.g. Search, Profile, etc.). A couple of the branched-out threads are actually saved from Google cache, which you can recognize from the big gray header bar on top, so just remember that links on those pages will not work. Use “back” on your browser to return to this page.
“FAQ P1120”
[Page 1] Description:
Here is a FAQ post about the Fujitsu Lifebook P-1120, which covers specifications, some general questions, Linux questions, and so forth. (2007)
“P1120 DISE restoration from Linux – help!”
[Page 1] Description:
Some instructions on how to restore a P-1120 with its Windows XP DISE image: requires the DISE floppies (see files section), a USB HDD enclosure, and another WinXP/2000 computer (with DVD drive and working USB), and a working copy of the P-1k factory image (factory.pqi, about 1 GB). (2006)
“Can You Boot a P-1032 with CD-ROM Drive?”
[Page 1] Description:
Notes on booting P-1k with an external optical drive, dependent both on the drive and BIOS version.
Obviously, this is an old thread, but Fujitsu may have released a newer BIOS after this posting that supports more USB CD drives. (2004)
“Display blinking with P2110 screen on a P2120”
[Page 1] Description:
Someone replaced their broken P-2120 screen with a P-2110 screen and ran into an odd issue; resolved by replacing the screen inverter. (2006)
“P-2040 output to TV trouble…”
[Page 1] Description:
Summary: Using the S-video output to TV, if your P-2040 constantly blanks out as though in power saving mode, make sure not only the Windows screensaver and power settings are disabled, but go into the CMOS/BIOS setup and disable “Auto Display Off” under power settings. (2003)
“trackpoint cap”
[Page 1] Description:
Different types and sources of caps for the old P-2xxx trackpoint/quickpoint/eraser nub/pointing stick device. That little nubby mouse thing in the middle of the keyboard that was far superior to those later laptop touchpads. I want the eraser nubs back! (2006)
“Undoing Partition Magic and Boot Magic w/o floppy?”
[Page 1] Description:
A user planned to dual-boot his P-1120 and accidentally set the wrong partition active; long story short, the other working partition was hidden by Partition Magic, which had to be unhidden (by FDISK, in this case). (2008)
“My P1120 TOUCHSCREEN is now just SCREEN”
[Page 1] [partial 1, 2-inverted] Description:
Various P-1120 problems regarding the touchscreen (no longer working), specifically how to fix a loose cable, which seemed to be the common problem in this thread. The last two posts on the first page are of particular value, but if you want to see the rest of the thread, the “page 2” I archived was actually a “reply” function from the forum; I deleted the “reply” box to avoid confusion (it wouldn’t work anyway since the LeoG site is down), and the page 2 posts are listed in reverse chronological order, newest on top. (2004-2005)
“P1120 RAM info(for possible RAM upgrade )”
[Page 1] Description:
Single post: Tom61 gives detailed information about the P-1120 RAM—Samsung k4s511632d 512Mbit SDRAM 8M x 16bit x 4 Banks Synchronous DRAM LVTTL chips (x4). This is very difficult to replace because the default is at least 32-bit, not 16-bit per the P-1120. (2007)
“replace hard drive/copy Outlook Express email”
[Page 1] Description:
Connie’s guide on how to backup email in Microsoft Outlook Express 5 or 6 (Windows XP Pro) in preparation to upgrade her P-2120 hard drive.
This isn’t P-2k-specific, exactly. (2007)
“p1120 blank HD – new install from scratch”
[Page 1] Description:
How to install Windows 2003 Server on a P-1120, blank HDD. The P-1k is infamous for having boot-media issues, so this thread offers some information on just that part; much technical detail is missing, though, so you’d have to be open to experimentation (e.g. adding generic USB CD-ROM support to the boot floppy). (2007)
“Problem with P1120”
[Page 1] Description:
Another discussion about installing an OS onto the P-1k. (2007)
“160GB HDD in the P2120”
[Page 1] [Missing 2] Description:
Performance and technical BIOS issues in installing a large-capacity drive (specifically Seagate) into the old P-2k machine. (2006-2007)
Fujitsu Lifebook P-5000 series
“BIOS Support for USB Boot?”
[Page 1] Description:
General discussion about booting from USB, particularly P-5xxx (includes comments about P-1xxx, P-2xxx). (2003)
“5010 Hard Drive Upgrade Questions”
[Page 1] Description:
Shopping advice for P-5k hard drive upgrades, including some technical information (limitations). (2008)
“CPU fan dying”
[Page 1] Description:
Noisy near-death CPU fan in a P5020—this was not actually fixed, though a post in this thread fixed a different noisy fan within the case. (2009)
“p5020 wakes from sleep while lid closed, ideas?”
[Page 1] [2] Description:
Different troubleshooting ideas for odd (and serious) wake-up problem while the lid is closed, whether from stand-by/sleep or hibernate. Both hardware and software possibilities are discussed. The OP’s particular problem was narrowed down to a faulty screen hinge power switch, but others may find the other troubleshooting tips useful as well. (2004)
Fujitsu Lifebook P-1500 and P-1600
“Advise on P1510D and Windows 7”
[Page 1] Description:
Here is just some general discussion about running Windows 7 instead of XP Tablet on the Fujitsu P-1510D. (2010)
“P1510 and windows 7”
[Page 1] Description:
A few notes about running Windows 7 on the P-1510, with a specific suggestion on getting Aero to work (external link, untested). (2009-2010)
“P1510D and Windows 7 – no touch?”
[Page 1] Description:
Brief thread, how to get the P-1510’s touchscreen to work under Windows 7; requires a driver download, linked in thread. (2009)
“P1610 and 240GB HDD Toshiba upgrade”
[Page 1] Description:
This is a narrowly technical thread about a specific type of HDD (4096-byte sector) that’s compatible primarily with Linux. (2010)
“P1610 and Windows 7”
[Page 1] [2] [3] Description:
This is a general discussion about Windows 7 performance on the P-1610 with just a little bit of troubleshooting. (2009-2010)
“P1610 and Windows 7” *
[Page 1] Description:
This thread is different than the other one of the same title—after upgrading your P1610 from default Vista to Windows 7, how to get the following functions working again: fingerprint sensor, Fn hotkeys, button keys on LCD panel and auto rotate. (2009)
“P1620 – Windows 7 issues”
[Page 1] Description:
Specific issues after a new Win7 install: drivers (video, audio), Fujitsu special buttons, no auto-rotate, unknown devices. Solution: install Vista drivers, then Win7 drivers from Fujitsu. (2009)
“Tips for extending battery Life 4.5 Hours plus!”
[Page 1] [2] Description:
Getting the most battery life (standard) out of your P1510D with various hardware setting tweaks. (2008)
“Hibernate problems”
[Page 1] Description:
The P1510D cannot go into hibernation from stand-by mode (Windows XP Tablet PC 2005), though it can go into hibernate/stand-by separately. Related commentary about battery drain while in hibernation mode, primarily a Windows KB fix (patched on newer systems). (2005-2007)
[Page 1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Description:
Ishman’s “Guide on upgrading the hard drive on the P1510D,” with photos. Additional commentary about other hard drives, ZIF technology, performance, etc. (2005-2010)
“P1620 W7 BSOD’s”
[Page 1] Description:
Windows 7 installation problems on P-1620 (sleep/stand-by/hibernate). Culprit: Fujitsu’s O2micro SD-Card driver. (2009)
“P1620, p1610, p1510 Performance Tips”
[Page 1] [2] Description:
OS performance tips, hardware, backups, etc. for the P-15xx/16xx series. (2008)
“p1610 – Screen rotation – four directions?”
[Page 1] Description:
How to set up the P-16xx (Windows XP or Vista) to rotate the screen under four different orientations via the screen rotate button. (2008)
“SDHC driver released* for P1610”
[Page 1] [2] Description:
Updating the SD card slot’s driver to recognize SDHC card. Works on multiple models, including Fujitsu Lifebook P-15xx, P-16xx, Dell Vostro 1000, Panasonic CF-51… I think the driver works within Windows XP/XP Tablet/not sure about Vista. Windows 7 users state the Win7 default driver works fine for SDHC, so no upgrade is necessary. (2007-2010)
Fujitsu Lifebook P-7000 and P-8000
“Fujitsu utilities on Windows 7 /P7230”
[Page 1] Description:
tmt’s experience getting a few specific Fujitsu utilities working on his P-7230 under a Windows 7 installation: fingerprint reader/biometric utility, powersave utility, hotkey mute function. (2009-2010)
“P7230 disassembly with photos”
[Page 1] Description:
These are bigger photos and more commentary than the dis/assembly PDF manuals provided on the file archive section. (2009-2010)
“Windows 7 on the P7010”
[Page 1] Description:
How to get Win7 graphics working on the P-7010, under the 855GME chipset. (2009)
“XP hangs after clone with XXCLONE”
[Page 1] Description:
Problems after cloning the old HDD of a 7010D onto a new 250GB drive with XXClone… This wasn’t completely resolved, but the user did get it to work in a roundabout way. (2008)
“P7010 Fan Noise/Heatsink Plate Writeup”
[Page 1] Description:
The content of interest is actually linked from the first post, but there are a few other comments in this thread as well: “The fan can be relubricated if it begins to make noise. But be sure to replace the thermal pads for the processor and north bridge with new ones or with something appropriate. Reusing the thermal pads can result in instabilities caused by overheating.” (2008-2009)
“p7120 not usb bootable?”
[Page 1] Description:
Tips on making sure a USB device is bootable on the P-7120. (2009)
“p7230 has two micro DIMM slots? NO!”
[Page 1] Description:
Original documentation with the P-7230 indicates there are two DIMM slots available for RAM upgrades, but this is false. The P-7120 did have two DIMM slots, but the 7230 has one. (2007)
“P7230 Overhaul…”
[Page 1] Description:
OnlyOnly0613 describes an overhaul adventure on his P-7230, though he didn’t do the motherboard/CPU upgrade himself: (U1400, FP, 10 WXGA, VHB, DL DVD, 1G, 80G, AWLN, BT) to (U7600, FP, 10 WXGA, VHB, DL DVD, 2G, 64G SSD, AWLN, BT). He talks about a specific eBay seller to which I make no comment since I’ve never dealt with the seller. (2008)
“P8010 Dual Drive?”
[Page 1] [2] Description:
EB1’s adventure in replacing a P-8010’s modular bay drive (optical) with a second hard drive: success. tmt also offers his own experience replacing the P-7230 modular optical drive with a second HDD. (2008-2010)
“Swap core solo motherboard with CD P7230 problem?”
[Page 1] [2] Description:
rahrahrachel’s adventure in upgrading a P-7230’s Core Solo CPU to a Core 2 Duo (motherboard). (2010)
“SSD on P7010D, help tmt”
[Page 1] Description:
General advice on installing SDD into a P-7010; this is a matter of using the correct type of adapter. (2009)
“S-Video Out Issues”
[Page 1] Description:
The S-video port for the P-7k/8k Lifebook series is only available via the extra port replicator, which most people probably do not have. (2004)
Linux on P-series
“P7120 running Linux on it”
[Page 1] [Missing 2] Description:
This thread documents some attempts at installing Linux on the Fujitsu P-7120. Sadly, the second page is missing. (2005)
“Fujitsu P1610 and Linux (openSuSE)”
[Page 1] Description:
Trials and tribulations in getting SuSE to work on a P-1610. Newer versions of SuSE may work differently. (2007)
“P1510 Linux Touch Screen Driver available.”
[Page 1] [2] Description:
This is a detailed thread describing, among other things, how to get the P-1510 touchscreen to work under Linux (link to driver in the thread). (2006-2007)
“P7010D gentoo / linux tips”
[Page 1] Description:
How to get Gentoo Linux working on the P-7010D. (2005)
“P7230 Ubuntu Linux”
[Page 1] Description:
Running Ubuntu Edgy on a P-7230. (2007)
“P7010 Fedora Core 6”
[Page 1] Description:
Technical notes on getting Fedora working on the P-7010. (2006)
“P7120 and Ubuntu Dapper Drake”
[Page 1] Description:
Some notes on installing this Ubuntu distro on the P-7120; minor glitches. (2006)
Other/General Discussions
“First release of my Battery Status/Monitoring app”
[Page 1] [2] [6] [10] [11] Description:
This thread showcases tmt‘s (Tom) little custom application that gives detailed information about battery usage in your laptop (Windows). Most of the thread’s pages have disappeared from Google cache, but only the first page is most important. (2005-2010)
“Fix for VAIO builtin card reader and 4GB SD cards”
[Page 1] Description:
A fix for the Sony Vaio TX Series’ SD/Memory Stick card reader, which doesn’t recognize 4GB SD cards after coming out of stand-by/hibernation (Windows XP), among other things. There are various links and conversation about driver updates and Windows patches, so if you have any issues on a Vaio TX system with 4GB cards, check this thread. (2006)
“Panasonic Y2 Actually IS SSD Compatible”
[Page 1] Description:
A detailed post describing a specific compatible SSD (replacing the HDD) for the Panasonic Y2: SSDFactory brand 32 GB MLC 2.5 inch PATA SSD. Several other non-working SSD models are also listed. Photos. (2009)
“5V hard drives in 3.3V notebooks”
[Page 1] [2] [3] Description:
Highly technical performance and installation discussion about putting 5-volt HDDs into laptops specifying 3.3V. No pictures, just a lot of text. 😉 (2004-2008)
Netbooks have arrived
[Page 1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [Missing 6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Description:
This was one of the last truly active threads on the forum, though it slowed down quite a bit towards the end (sadly, Google didn’t cache the last few posts of the thread). This began in 2008 shortly after netbooks began to become more popular, and we discussed netbook market evolution, predictions, and the like right up to mid-2010. Good times.